In a world where both myths and reality collide; “Greek House” is an adult animated science fiction sitcom taking place in Ancient Greece. Our story follows Cley, a mortal human who climbs Mount Olympus and winds up becoming the house boy for the very real Olympic Gods. Full of bodacious adventures, narcissistic deities, wild partying, and freaky mythological creatures; they work together to unpeel hidden truths about the world and themselves.
Series Bible: click here
What would you do if all crime were legal for a night? In this mini series, a morally desensitized taxi driver transports a range of eccentric characters in the midst of doing illegal activities. Along for the ride, we get to see frivolous heists, sloppy murders, outlandish gambling, and a rap sheet of other illegal activities. Here, you'll discover crimes you never knew existed.
Proof of Concept: click here