In a dystopia where the Purge is as frequent event as trash pickup; a morally desensitized taxi driver transports a range of eccentric characters in the midst of doing illegal activities.
Written, Directed, & Animated by Dallan Beam
Episode II | Garage Sale
Episode I | Dolphin Daze
"Purge Taxi" was my first attempt at producing a mini-series. It explores the absurd activities that average participants in "The Purge" partake in, which I felt was lacking in the blockbuster movies. Along for the ride, we get to see frivolous heists, sloppy murders, outlandish gambling, and a rap sheet of other illegal activities. Whilst its full potential has yet to be reached, each episode is better than the last. Though handling everything on the production side, I couldn’t do it without my buddies, who voice act the characters and help bring the series to life.